Jantar Mantar

Jantar Mantar in Ujjain is an observatory that was built in the 17th century by Maharaja Jai Singh II of Jaipur. The observatory is one of several Jantar Mantars that were built by Jai Singh II in different cities in India.
The purpose of the observatory was to make astronomical observations and measurements, which were used for astrological and other purposes. The observatory was designed to be highly accurate and to allow astronomers to measure the position and movements of celestial objects with great precision.

Jantar Mantar in Ujjain is considered to be one of the most important astronomical observatories in India, and it is still in use today. The observatory is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is visited by thousands of tourists and scholars each year.
The observatory features several astronomical instruments, including a large sundial called the Samrat Yantra, which is the largest sundial in the world. Other instruments include the Jai Prakash Yantra, which is used for measuring the altitude of celestial bodies, and the Nadi Valaya Yantra, which is used for measuring the position of stars.

How to visit Bhartrihari Caves?

The Jantar Mantar in Ujjain is a testament to India’s rich scientific and cultural heritage, and it serves as a reminder of the country’s long tradition of scholarship and scientific inquiry. It is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in astronomy, science, or history.
Timings: 7 AM – 7 PM